Wednesday, 4 April 2018

How to Remove Powered by Blogger

In this Guide i am going to show you,how can you remove the attribution widget of credit given in the footer of the blogger.
The term Footer usually refers to the bottom section of a web page in the web design
terminology. It usually contains information like copyright notices, links to privacy policy, credits, etc.
Further, it does not facilitate us to write a text link information viz. About Us, Sitemap, Terms and conditions etc. Many of us just want to add their copy right messages like All Rights Reserve, Privacy Policy and Contact Us link etc. to the blog footer instead or along with the blogger credit.
But  guys i would like to suggest you one thing that before bypassing any template footer
cedits once think that how much effort and hard work required for creating one responsive 
template and  you remove it very easily as if there is no value of work done by that developer.I know its annoying little bit because you want to be your blog must be fully owned. 

Let me clear you about HTML AND CSS 

HTML (HyperText Markup Language)

HTML allows you to put images, text, videos, forms and other pieces of content together into a cohesive webpage. You can also tweak text words, resize images, and add links to either.
also HTML uses tags to help you add paragraphs, headers, pictures, bullets and othe pieces of structure. Just like you would write something on a word document, HTML helps you write something on a website.

CSS (Cascade Styling Sheet)

This is used for describing how HTML elements are to be displayed on screen, paper, or in other media.Actually CSS makes a website look and feel amazing. Presentation and ease of use have been some of the qualities CSS has brought to web development. It is more involved with changing a websites style rather than its content. Kind of like changing the font size, font color and positioning on a word document. CSS is in charge of the way the content looks on a page and what else goes on it to compliment that content.

So now providing you the trick to  remove or hide the credit widgets

(Remember there is 2 method to do this task:)


Using HTML(unlocking the widget attribution)

Step 1 : Go to your blog “Template” | click on “Edit HTML”.

Step 2 : Here on drop-down “jump to widget” option and select Attribution 1 as shown below.

Step 3: After selecting Attribution 1 widget you will be able to see this line.
on your blogger template.)

Step 5: Once done click on ‘Save template’.
Step 6 : Now go to layout option and at the below you can see attribution gadget, click edit you will be able to see new pop up window, click on remove button. that’s it you are done.

Method -2

Using Css code

Step 1 : Go to your blog “Template” | click on “Edit HTML”. (As Mention at the top)
Step 2: Search this line of code
           body {in your blogger template, for quick finding Hit CTRL+F.
Step 3: Add this  code #Attribution1 {display: none;}

Step 4: Save template and view your blog, you will be no longer able to see attribution widget in  footer of your blogspot blog.
Step 5: Done!

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